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My Family's Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a holiday in November.
On Thanksgiving many families eat a large meal together.
At my family's Thanksgiving meal we might eat: (fill in the blanks)
At Thanksgiving some families say a prayer before they eat. This is sometimes called "saying grace".
Some families might also tell some things they are thankful for. This means they each say something that they like or that makes them happy.
Before we eat my family will: (fill in the blanks)
After they eat, some families will watch football on TV.
After we eat, my family will: (fill in the blanks)
Some families will meet with lots of other people in the family for Thanksgiving.
Other families have dinner with just a few people in the family.
My family will: (fill in the blanks)
To visit with family some people might need to travel. Some will travel by car and some will travel by airplane.
My family will: (fill in blanks)
I am learning about Thanksgiving.
I hope you have a fun and thanks-filled day on "Turkey Day". Try to take some deep breaths for yourselves and remember to enjoy your child!