When our kids were in elementary school, they had a party on to celebrate Valentine's Day. Don't know if that is still the case now.
Seems like there aren't enough hours in the day for teachers to teach without an interruption for a party, convocation, in-service meetings, etc.
SOOOO, if your classroom is still having class parties, what can be done to help your child have fun during the party?
Some things to consider:
NOISE: Does loud noise bother your child or do they just block it out? Maybe they could attend the party for a short time and then head to the library or resource room for a break?
FOOD: Some kiddos can't tolerate different candies, textures, flavors. Maybe you can find out ahead of time if there will be a treat and what it is. Sometimes you can send in your child's own treat for them to enjoy.
Again, a parent disclaimer....I hate school games, especially when I (as classroom parent/helper) have to come up with them. Make sure the games can be easily explained and aren't too difficult for your child to understand or participate in. With competitive games, the pressure can be overwhelming, especially if your child is the one that doesn't help the team win!
And finally....VALENTINES:
See if you can get a class list ahead of time to help address the valentines. Some teachers just suggest sending 30 valentines with no "to" names and your child's name written in the "from". This helps our kiddos who might have poor motor skills and all the extra writing may seem like extra homework! So you might actually be the one doing some of the writing...and that's ok! :)
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