The following is from the lastest e-newletter from "Autism Speaks". I thought since IEP's were "in the air" it might be a starting point for some things to consider for your child's IEP. Keep in mind all these are just suggestions and may be viewed as a "starting point" for conversations for parents and educators.
We have been fortunate to have benefited from suggestions our teachers made during our IEP meetings and feel all information can benefit all involved.
The IEP team, which includes the parent,can identify strategies that can be written into the IEP to help stop the bullying. It may helpful to involve the child, when appropriate, in the decision-making process. Such strategies include:
• Identifying an adult in the school who the child can report to or go to for assistance
• Determining how school staff will document and report incidents
• Allowing the child to leave class early to avoid hallway incidents
•Holding separate in-services for school staff and classroom peers to help them understand a child’s disability
•Educating peers about school district policies on bullying behavior
•Ensuring regular reassurance from the school staff to the student that he or
she has a “right to be safe” and that the bullying is not his or her fault
•Shadowing by school staff of the student who has been bullied. Shadowing could be done in hallways, classrooms, and playgrounds.
•Holding separate in-services for school staff and classroom peers to help them understand the child’s disability
When talking with your child’s IEP team, consider what strategies, with those listed above as a guideline for ideas, that might be effective for them to address bullying.
Good points to make, April! Thank you!