Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Well, school has been in session for a couple of weeks and so far, things are going pretty smoothly.  Let me share some of our "bumps" which should be worth a chuckle or two :)

When checking my daughter's (now a high school freshman) computer class grade on-line, I was shocked to see an "F" on her first test over PowerPoint.  After the test she "felt confident" she had done a good job...see, her perception of reality isn't always accurate ~ ha!

I immediately jumped on my ledge (I sometimes have to climb down from) and I sent a short email to her teacher (worded VERY nicely) to ask what we could do to help Emily do better on the next  exam and what did she think our daughter's problem might have been.  Notice I DID NOT blame the teacher, nor did I expect the teacher to email me and let me know my daughter's failing grade.  These high school teachers have about 150 kiddos per day, and as much as I would like to think mine is the only one they teach......it is a different ballgame than elementary school!

Are you sitting down?  The teacher replied back (VERY  nicely too :) and...here is the kicker.... in her opinion, our daughter rushed through the 30 questions on the computer too quickly....AND didn't use her notes or books as it was....yep you guessed it.... an open note and open book test!!!!

Are you kidding me?!!?

When I shared this information with my daughter, in a loud voice from my ledge :), she thought it would take too much time to try to look up information in the book and she thought she knew the stuff.

SO, the teacher is going to remind her that she can use her notes and book right before the test and our girl got her life lesson about rushing through the material.

If it doesn't kill us, it makes us stronger, right?  :)

Remember to enjoy your child!

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