Friday, November 18, 2011

Holiday Shopping

These next couple of tips come from the Hidden Curriculum One-A-Day Calendar.

Malls, stores and restaurants are generally more crowded around the holidays and on weekends. Prepare yourself for that or stay away, if possible.

Black Friday has nothing to do with death or disease. It is a retail sales term applied to Friday after Thanksgiving when retail stores generally go from "in the red" to "in the black" meaning they begin making a profit for the year.

It helps to make sure your child has an activity to entertain themselves while in the car or waiting on you while running errands. Praise the hand held Nintendo DS, Leapfrog, or iPod or other small devices...they are priceless for keeping anxiety down and helping the time pass for the kids. They also come with earbuds, so they don't disturb others in public.

Crossword puzzles, word searches, a favorite book in a series, cartoon books like Captain Underpants as well as crochet or knitting are other activities to help entertain. Sometimes we even fill small backpacks or tote bags with a couple different items (including a healthy snack!) so they can have some variety of activities.

Sharing the schedule of the day also helps...."First we are going to this store to look for 'X' and then we are heading to 'ABC'. We will probably get lunch at 'XYZ' but if it is too crowded then '123' is our second choice." We also remind our girls that they need to "put on their flexible hats" when we head out and that sometimes the day just doesn't turn out as we all planned....because that is life, and sometimes LIFE HAPPENS!


  1. Black Friday is not for the faint, meek, mild, or autistic. There is just too much going on. My son would get sensory overload and have a melt-down (as we call it)if I took him out in that mess!

    We wait until late afternoon to go out, about 5:00PM. We get something to eat and then go out to our favorite stores to observe the mass destruction. Even at this time, there are still deals going on and some of the stores are restocking shelves by this time. We still get to enjoy the holiday spirit as a family in a more controlled environment.

  2. That is a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for sharing! Since I hate shopping so much, I enjoy "Cyber Monday" ha! You are absolutely right...there are still deals to be found! (and less craziness!)
