Two words that strike fear into the hearts of parents...."School Projects". Teachers please use your powers for good and help those of us in the netherworld of communication with our child.
Please send an email home to us and explain the due dates of the projects and include the rubric, requirements and any other important details we may need to know to help our kiddo. I would welcome the "heads up" prior to my child finding out about it, in case there might be any sensory issues, or problems with organization and focus, or presentation anxiety.
You can even put in the IEP that your child be given extra time to have the project explained to them and they tell the teacher what they just heard in order to avoid confusion. Also perhaps if they have anxiety, it might be a good idea to have them go first when making a presentation or talking about their science fair project to the judge.
Any direction provided to our child by the teacher to steer them to an appropriate choice for a book report or science project would be greatly appreciated.....sometimes trying to make a chemical explosion may not be the best choice :) I am a huge fan of the "KISS" principle...."Keep It Simple Stupid" and school projects are no exception!
One of our daughter's projects this spring will be to "make a house" for the Social Studies architecture design project and you better believe we are "steering" our daughter to make a less involved choice than a Queen Anne style complete with gingerbread trim...I'm just saying! :)
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