Saturday, October 22, 2011


Well, it's here AGAIN....the time of year when folks put scary things over their faces and make really scary noises.....the perfect time for kids on the spectrum. (too bad there isn't a sarcasm font!)
Now is the time to practice, practice, practice. Dress up, ring the doorbell and say "trick or treat" and THEN say "thank you" when you get candy. The 5 pieces of candy rule worked for us too....they got a ton of junk, but could only eat 5 pieces that evening and had to save the rest for snacks later (or for daddy's work staff :) It was amazing how small our pile of candy looked in the morning :)
Walk around your neighborhood at night with a flashlight and let them see how different the familiar can look. Our daughter used to be sooo upset when in the car at night because she kept saying, "I don't recognize anything" and she had no frame of reference (even in our neighborhood!) She really felt lost and at loose ends.
My best halloween costume EVER (and yes, I am going to share it!) is a jellyfish! You get a rounded clear plastic umbrella and tape irridescent streamers along the edge...voila! You have a very unique constume and if it stay dry! We got a ton of compliments and no one had one had a costume like us! Trick or Treat!

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