Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy New Year!

New Year resolutions seem to focus on self improvement.  I think we as parents of kiddos on the spectrum need to make a resolution to take care of ourselves and be kind to ourselves. 

No judging, no feeling inadequate, no comparing yourself to others allowed!

Try to get some sleep (and yes, naps count!) There is no shame in getting a few zzzz's while the kids watch a video....sometimes videos are are best friends and saving grace :)

Try to keep'd be surprised how much better you feel when you have enough water...our oldest daughter has discovered that water helps her focus and have energy.

How about a fast food dinner or even a "breakfast" dinner with cereal for the meal?

How about having an entire day where you just enjoy your kiddos and let them play with what they want and have a fun day?

Take a pause and remember how far your child has come from where they started and that this is a process....not an overnight time of growth/improvement.

Over this holiday we just taught our girls  how to play euchre (a big card game in Indiana!)  Our fun discovery is that our 15 year old daughter on the spectrum is a risk taker when it comes to playing cards and is learning "trash talk" as well.  Let me just say that she and her sister have beaten the parents the last two evenings and seeing her laugh and enjoy herself is a gift itself.

What do you do to take care of yourself?

Have a wonderful 2013 and thanks for all the support!

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